Delivery & Installation

Do you ship to my city and location?

When you request a quotation with we will ask you for your delivery details. Should you wish to speak to us regarding fitting/delivery contact us at or call our team on 0800 599 9905.

What is the estimated delivery time?

Here at Stokes granite we aim for a service time frame of around 15 days, that’s from initially booking in for template to having the worksurface delivered. Once templating is completed we can usually turn a job around in 10 working days that’s manufacturing and fitting. Please let us know your time scales as production times can vary in the busier seasons. .

Are there any shipping charges or any additional hidden charges?

Your quotation will provide you with a detailed breakdown of our fees, templating, fitting and manufacturing costs.

Stokes Granite provides a quotation on the customers measurements provided, whether It be via professional kitchen plan or measurements. Please ensure these measurements are accurate and carried out by someone competent in this field. We will always check our templating measurements to customer measurements provided after template, any changes in measurements will incure additional costs should we find any.

What if I receive a damaged product?

In the unlikely event that a product we deliver is damaged our team will remove it straight away, we wont leave any damaged products onsite.

Please check for any damage before final sign off. We will always take photos of every finished job to ensure and damage caused after installation we are not liable for.

What if my kitchen is are damaged on installation?

In the unlikely event that our kitchen fitters do cause damage, we will of course fix any damage that has occurred. If items are no longer available we will liaise with you to ensure customer satisfaction.

Photos are always taken prior to installation on the date by our fitting team, please call 0800 599 9905 or email should you request these photos. This is paramount for us finding who caused damage In a conflict of interest.

Returns policy

Once we have delivered the product and left the customer's premises, we will not be able to accommodate any cancellation or replacement requests (other than as covered by the product warranty). We recommend that customers be present at the time of delivery to check for any possible manufacturing defects. Should there be any, please inform the Service Associate. Our delivery staff will assist you with any questions you may have.

Replacement Policy T&C

Should Stokes Granite ltd offer a product which is faulty please send images and a detailed description to

Please see our T&Cs for more information.